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Words and Music by Elaine Lennon


Listed 6th on the 'Top Picks from 2019' list! (before it had even been officially released!)


""A breezy love song with Lennon’s impressive layered vocals" - LONESOME HIGHWAY


“A smooth opener, layered voices with a touch of Katie Melua class over understated strings and a gently rippling piano." TIME PAST AND TIME PASSING


"The simplicity of the arrangement, highlights the piano, alongside her stunning vocals on this track" COUNTRY MUSIC AND DANCE MAGAZINE


"Just lovely' - IAIN ANDERSON - BBC Radio Scotland



'Next Friday Night' is a song that was inspired by the true story of a family friend. After his wife of many years sadly passed, this extremely talented and devoted man, in his senior years, wrote a book about meeting and falling in love with his wife, and about their life-long true love story.


I was so genuinely touched by this and started thinking of all of the other stories people who I had connected with, particularly through music, had shared with me - some shared how they attend live music events on their own now as they had lost a partner or loved one who used to enjoy going with them to similar events and it helped them keep a part of their loved one alive....that they still felt the joy that music brought them, even if they no longer had that special one to share it with in person, they still felt that in some way they they were still here with them, even just for glimpses in moments...


I'd talk to folks I'd see standing their on their own and spend time listening to their stories, seeing the joy light up in their eyes when they described how they felt when perhaps recalling a favourite song and sharing 'how we used to....' or 'oh I remember when we danced to..." and especially the 'That was OUR song..." moments, watching that memory come alive in their faces. Their stories were real, as were their love for someone lost, and their wonderful memories that kept that spark alive within their hearts....if only while talking about it or when they heard a certain song...


So 'Next Friday Night' is, for me, a gift to all those who have lost someone precious to them, that they may remember with love and joy the time they spent together in this world...

I wrote it in three parts to represent the three stages of this love, the first verse talking about when hey met as young lovers through the second verse which see them through middle age, growing a family and life together, and finally to the stage where his love has passed, sharing how he still honours their love by maintaining the ritual of taking time out on a Friday night just for them.


I am so happy and grateful for the response people have had when I perform this song live. Without fail at each show someone approaches me at the end, sometimes even moved to tears, to say how much they appreciated, connected and related to it.....some even saying "You just told my own story in that song".


When it came to arranging, producing and recording the song, I knew I wanted to layer the harmonies with my own vocal (some say a trademark in my recordings) as I just love the thick sound this brings and the value that adds to the overall feeling of the song. This is particularly evident in the intro and joining sections of the song and if you listen closely in these parts you will also hear harmonies by Findlay Napier (who also Produced the Album) - see video below taken at Chem19 Recording Studios in Blantyre (with the wonderful Paul Savage in the Engineer's Chair!)  ;)


When I wrote the song I always heard a strings section in my mind, and how a violin would pull out a key vein to add that extra emotive element. When Findlay and I chatted about this at Pre-production stage he suggested the wonderfully talented Patsy Reid should bring that strings magic to this track with her Violin, Viola and Cello. I'm so grateful to Patsy for taking this song to another level with her arrangement and performance.


Read the Lyrics


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